I do consultations on how to counteract undue influence and manipulation. My clients come to me either as a private person concerned about someone dear or they come to me in their professional role in schools, mental health care, social services, the church, the police, the judiciary or as a journalist.
The problem is the lack of informed concent
We have freedom of thought and freedom of religion. People are allowed to believe in what they want, even bizarre things. The important question is weather the person changed thought free informed choices or was manipulated.

Common topics
How do you avoid the most common mistakes when talking to a person under undue influence?
How can you create conditions for a dialogue where the person can be encouraged to think for himself?
What to consider when the person get out and need rehabilitation?
What are the risk factors for abuse of power and recruitment methods?
When does social influence become manipulation?
Where and when can you be at risk for undue influence?
There are no contexts that are vaccinated against corruption. A leader who gains more and more power, seems to have the only truth and sees himself as the chosen one. Those in the group who say no to the leader are discreetly silenced or thrown out.
Over the years I have met groups based on spirituality in various forms, personal development, alternative therapies, yoga, pyramid schemes, politics or basically anything.
Sometimes it can be a more informal context such as a destructive relationship or an entire family where parental alienation takes place.
You are particularly vulnerable to influence when you are young, but also as an adult during periods of adjustment, like when you start a new job, take courses with new people, after a divorce or the death of a relative, you are extra vulnerable.
To summarize when you are at the wrong place at the wrong time you are at risk for undue influence. That means when you are in a vulnerable life situation and meet someone who is skilled enough in how to manipulate others who can present what seems to be an interesting offer – you are at risk.
Private consultations
When we make our first appointment, I will send you a set of worksheets. You fill them out to gather your thoughts and determine if it really is a situation of undue influence. I recommend a double session of 90 minutes to make an assessment of the context. Any subsequent meetings are booked based on your needs.
Video meetings
If you do not live in Stockholm, or can not go to the reception for other reasons you may prefer video meetings. Read more about how video meetings work.
Books, podcasts, documentaries and film about undue influence and cults